A-Z Faculty
Below is a list of all Ken & Ruth Davee Department of Neurology faculty. View individual profiles of our faculty members — with publication and contact information, research and clinical specialties and more — via the links below.
D.A. Raj, Divya
Research Assistant Professor, Neurology (Movement Disorders)
Dang, Xin
Research Assistant Professor, Neurology (Neuro-infectious Disease and Global Neurology)
Deng, Han-Xiang
Research Professor, Neurology (Neuromuscular Disease)
Dixit, Karan S
Assistant Professor, Neurology (Neuro-oncology), Neurology (Hospital Neurology)
Dobrowolska Zakaria, Justyna
Research Assistant Professor, Neurology (Behavioral Neurology)
Dombeck, Daniel A
Professor, Neurology - Ken and Ruth Davee Department, Neuroscience
Professor, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences
Dong, Hongxin
Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (General Psychiatry), Neurology - Ken and Ruth Davee Department